Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Get Better Grades ?

Getting Better Grades depends mainly on your study technique , which is the key factor between students, it is the factor that determines who gets better grades, for example if you are very smart student but you don't know the correct study strategies you will not get good grades and you will be surprised that there is students that are dumb, gets better grades than you, this is because they know the correct study skill strategies

What is the best study techniques ?

The best study technique or strategy depends on 3 main factors
1 – Choosing What To Study ( And What to IGNORE )
It is good to study the whole book, but the best is to know what is important and what is not important, there is several topics in your books that is not common to be in the exam, so you have to study the most common topics “ High Yield “ topics first to get the highest score possible with the least studying, if you want to read the rest and have time then you can do it later.
How can I possibly know what is likely to be on my examination ?
Well , there is a number of approaches:
a – Past Exams or Past Papers: you can get the topics most likely to appear on the examination by reviewing the past papers, write the topics that are repeated several times in the exams in a list and write the number of times that each topic appeared, then rank them according to the number of times the topic appeared
b – talk to students and colleagues who took the examination in the past years. Do they remember some topics being particularly “hard hit” ? Was there a “flavor” to the exam?
c- Students who took the exam in the past cannot tell you what will be on the exam that you will take, but they can direct you to the high-yield content areas that you must make sure to master.
d- Certain Topics are standard, others appear as trends, pay special attention to these topics when you plan your studying.
e- Beware of the trap of “studying for the last exam” - exam content differs from year to year. This year's exams will be different from last year's.

2 – Choosing how to study
To master a topic, you need to do it in stages that parallel the functional organization of memory, for every topic there is basic terms and definitions that you must learn, this provides the core vocabulary to understand the content being tested. This stage is a matter of simple recognition and memorization, Terms and Definitions are learned by the use of associational memory, this is the level where mnemonics can be useful.
Another stage is the central concept of the topic, this is a matter of being able to explain the meaning of concepts, how they are used,and they connect with other concepts, understanding the cross-linkages within subjects and across subjects will serve you well over the course of the exam.
Best Study Method :
Each person has his or her own preferred way of studying. You will have to decide what will work best for you. The best study methods all have one feature in common: the more active you are with the material, the more content you will utimately retain , remember you goal is to be efficient , so you have to do the following :
1 – Be organized. Set up organized schedule and adhere to it.
2 – Decide what your weak areas are by taking pretests.
3 – Do not entirely neglect your strong areas
4- Emphasize integration by reviewing related topics together.
5 – keep you sessions short, not more than an hour to an hour and a half with at least a 15-minute break.
6 – limit the number of information sources from which you study. Select one main review book, if you have several books, use one as your primary study material and the others as back-up to clarify points as needed.
Use the following Study Techniques:
Ask YourSelf Questions : one of the best study techniques is to pose questions to yourself as you review material, by asking yourself questions, you are framing the material, challenging yourself to focus on key areas, and preparing for questions you may well see on the examinations.
Use Graphs and Charts : to make it easier for you to understand and memorize
Paraphrase : highlight the important information, Paraphrasing means processing the material you have read, telling yourself what is important and unimportant as you read through, and summarizing the key content in your own words.
Summary notes: Creating notes is a great study technique and will reinforce your paraphrasing skills. Summary notes are your personal representation of key points in the material written in a way that makes sense to you. Summary notes should run parallel to your primary study material and should serve to annotate.
3 – Time Management Strategies
For most efficient Studying, avoid cramming and plan to re-review key material on regular basis.
Repeated exposure to material over time leads to more through retention than one massive concentrated exposure.
In your final reviews, remember that active learning is best. This means avoiding simply reading the same page of notes over and over. Instead, use key words as mental triggers.
Re-reviewing is also the time to begin to make links among different sections of your material.

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